Frequently Asked Questions

Can PHITS work in different types of school, with different curricula?

Does the PHITS program assign homework?

Is PHITS only for a certain specific type of school student?

Is the PHITS program free?

Yes! The Oberlin School system uses the International Baccalaureate model, which means PHITS was initially developed for inquiry-based, interdisciplinary, and globally-focused learning. But PHITS is not just for IB. Children everywhere are intrigued by the same deep questions and issues. PHITS facilitators are always ready to learn about and adapt to new kinds of schools with different learning philosophies and curricular structures. We can also offer stand-alone philosophical activities at community events as well as short-term intensive philosophy workshops.

No!It is very important to us that the PHITS program does not have to mean more homework for kids or more grading and planning for teachers. Having said this, if teachers want us to offer outside work that ties in with other assignments, we can do this.

You might think that PHITS is only for students in honors, enrichment, or ‘gifted’ classes. Think again: There are so many ways to do philosophy. This means that PHITS can engage students at all different stages in their learning development.

Yes!In addition, and whenever possible, PHITS offers stipends to teachers at its partner schools.